Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption.

Paul BIYA Announces Measures to Reinforce the Fight in 2025.
The Head of State President Paul BIYA in his address to the nation on December 31, 2024 reiterated the need to reinforce measures and sanctions against corruption in 2025.
Over the years, the fight against corruption has been a major preoccupation of the Head of State in his end of year addressed to the Nation.
In his traditional end of year message on December 31, 2024, President Paul BIYA kept to the status quo when he cautioned against misappropriation of public funds and underlined the essential need for good governance in the realisation of development projects in the country. The heads of State promised severe sanctions on those found guilty of corruption and misappropriation of public funds. As he put it «.Improving governance also means stepping up the fight against corruption and misappropriation of public funds. This ensures legal protection for private investment and land tenure security, where abuses have been noted. Let me assure you of one thing: appropriate sanctions will be meted out on those found guilty of such offences».
The Head of State, therefore, invites Cameroonians, especially those managing state resources, to ensure good governance and measures to combat corruption and embezzlement of state funds.