National Cooperation
CONAC has gone into several partnerships at the national and international levels. This has enabled the Institution to embark on an all-inclusive fight against corruption using a participatory approach.
At the national level, CONAC works closely with the following groups:
- Ministerial Anti-corruption Units to implement the National Anti-Corruption Strategy using the Rapid Results Initiative.
- Anti-corruption units in para-statals and private structures to implement the National Anti-Corruption Strategy using the Rapid Results Initiative.
- Regional Inspectors of Services to implement the regional anti-corruption plans of action.
- The civil society through the National Coalition Against Corruption created by CONAC in 2010.
CONAC has formal partnerships with the following structures.
- The Business Coalition Against Corruption (BCAC)
- The Employers’ Union (GICAM)
- The National School of Public Works (ENSTP)
- The National School of Engineering (ENSPT)
- The Ministry of Youth Affairs (MINJEC)
- The National Financial Agency (ANIF)
- The Public Contracts Regulatory Agency (ARMP)