Hotline 1517    



Peace - Work - Fatherland
Presidency of the Republic

National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC)



Hotline 1517



These are activities carried out by CONAC to forestall corruption. They seek to raise awareness on the dangers of corruption and what can be done by the population and institutions to combat the ill. Some of the prevention activities include:

  1. Sensitisation Caravans:

Caravans seek to raise awareness on the dangers of corruption and what the population can do to combat the pandemic. Its ultimate goal is to canvas for popular support to enable Cameroon attain its mass of positive critical actors ready to say NO to corruption. Most of the caravans organised are sector-based.

  • Youths say no to corruption (Youth)
  • Transporters against corruption (Transport)
  • Women against corruption (Women)
  • Workers against corruption (Labour)
  • Schools reopening without corruption (Education)
  1. Campaigns

Campaigns seek to raise awareness on the dangers of corruption in a specific sector, while calling on all the stake holders to join forces and combat the ill. Over the years, the National Anti-Corruption Commission has organised campaigns in the following sectors:

  • Coffee
  • Cocoa
  • Cotton
  • Forest
  • Back to school
  1. Education for Integrity

In 2010, the National Anti-Corruption Commission, with the help of major stakeholders in the education sector, elaborated the National Education Program for Integrity. It lays the groundwork for a society that is respectful of ethical morals and republican values in the education sector for a durable fight against corruption. The National Education Programme on Integrity is already being implemented through the creation of Integrity Clubs in schools nation-wide and the participation of the CONAC in activities that bring together young people, such as the FENASSCO A and B Games.



It seeks to inscribe in the collective conscience the fight against corruption through sensitisation campaigns, as well as educative programs and publications. CONAC currently has the following radio and television programmes:

  • For Radio:

“ESPACE CONAC” – 13 minutes broadcast every Saturday as from 9:45am on CRTV National Radio Station.

“ESPACE CONAC ALERTE” – 6 minutes broadcast every Tuesday and Thursday as from 9:00 am over CRTV National Radio Station.

  • For Television:

“ESPACE CONAC” – 13 minutes broadcast every Wednesdays and Thursdays as from 3:30pm over the National Television, CRTV; and on Canal2 International on Mondays at 6:30pm and Thursdays at 3:00pm.

“ESPACE CONAC ALERTE” – 6 minutes broadcast every Monday at 9:00am and Wednesday at 6:00pm over CRTV television.

  • Newsletter:

In a bid to inform the population on the activities of the Commission, the National Anti-Corruption Commission publishes a monthly Newsletter which highlights the main activities of the Institution. The Newsletter is distributed free of charge to all administrative units in Cameroon.



Inquiries, controls and investigations carried out by CONAC consist mainly of searching, gathering and analysing information and denunciations relating to acts of corruption.

Since 2008, CONAC has deployed in the ten regions control and investigation missions to probe in the execution of projects and management of state budget.

CONAC has been able to stop the state from losing billions of FCFA through its investigations. Some Institutions and persons tagged in CONAC investigations have also reimbursed the corruption proceeds. Thanks to CONAC investigations in 2011, 2012 and 2013, for example, the State gained some 50 billion 513 million 844 thousand 242 FCFA.

Denunciations received at CONAC have also increased over the years, from barely 200 in 2008 to over 3,268 in 2016.

CONAC investigations have over the years, focused on the following domains.

  • Corruption
  • Embezzlement of public funds and property
  • Violation of the dispositions of public contracts
  • Interest in an act
  • Influence peddling
  • Favouritism
  • Misappropriation of public funds
  • Abuse of function
  • Conflict of interest
  • Unjustified enrichment
  • Participation in an act

Actions through Rapid Intervention

Since the beginning of the second half of 2010, CONAC has been carrying out actions through rapid interventions. This has reinforced the efficacy of the actions of CONAC on the field. The unit investigates on-going acts of corruption. Its presence encourages victims of corruption to denounce.



CONAC has gone into several partnerships at the national and international levels. This has enabled the Institution to embark on an all-inclusive fight against corruption using a participatory approach.

At the national level, CONAC works closely with the following groups:

  • Ministerial Anti-corruption Units to implement the National Anti-Corruption Strategy using the Rapid Results Initiative.
  • Anti-corruption units in para-statals and private structures to implement the National Anti-Corruption Strategy using the Rapid Results Initiative.
  • Regional Inspectors of Services to implement the regional anti-corruption plans of action.
  • The civil society through the National Coalition Against Corruption created by CONAC in 2010.

CONAC has formal partnerships with the following structures:

  • The Business Coalition Against Corruption (BCAC)
  • The Employers’ Union (GICAM)
  • The National School of Public Works (ENSTP)
  • The National School of Engineering (ENSPT)
  • The Ministry of Youth Affairs (MINJEC)
  • The National Financial Agency (ANIF)
  • The Public Contracts Regulatory Agency (ARMP)

At the international level, CONAC works closely with the following groups:

  • Network of Anti-corruption Agencies of Commonwealth Africa (NACACA)
  • International Association of Anti-corruption Agencies (IAACA)
  • Association of Africa Anti-Corruption Agencies (AAACA)

The National Anti-Corruption Commission of Cameroon has formal partnerships with the following anti-corruption agencies:

  • Administrative Control Authority of Egypt (ACA)
  • French Anti-Corruption Agency