Hotline 1517    



Peace - Work - Fatherland
Presidency of the Republic

National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC)



Hotline 1517

2024/2025 School Year: CONAC for a Corruption Free Schools Re-opening.

The National Anti –Corruption Commission, CONAC, from August 19 to 25, 2024, carried out avast campaign to ensure a corruption free2024/2025 School Year. The campaign was intended to curb bribery, extortion, abuse of function, favouritism, embezzlement of funds and other forms of corruption and injustices common within the start of a new school year  as school authoritiesindulge into the sale of places for the admission of students, the collection of undue payments and misappropriation of Parent Teachers’ Association fund.

While officially launching the Campaign on Tuesday August 20, 2024 in Akonolinga, in the Nyong and Nfoumou Division in the Centre Region,Rev Dr. Dieudonné MASI GAMS, Chairman of CONAC, called on the education community to shun and denounce corruption to the National Anti -Corruption Commission.He further visited some schools and education offices in the localities of Akonolinga and Ayos, where he spoke to officials and handed them anti corruption documents bearing messages of the campaign

The campaign was carried out in the various regions of the country by teams of CONAC workers as theysensitisedschool officials, parents, students and the general public handing them anti-corruption documents and putting up notices in schools and in public places.

Members of the education community were encouraged to denounce corruption using CONAC’s toll-free number 1517 and WhatsApp number, 658262682.