CONAC and Parliamentary Network Against Corruption Advocate for Anti-Corruption Law

A forum which had as principal actors, institutions that carry out operational functions in the fight against corruption, notably CONAC, CONSUPE, the Ministry of Justice and ANIF, was organised on November 16, 2023 with the objective to create a point of convergence for an Anti-Corruption Law in Cameroon.
Members of the Parliamentary Network Against Corruption at the National Assembly, have assured anti-corruption bodies, of their commitment to work for the voting of a law against corruption in Cameroon.
The assurance was contained in a resolution taken at the end of an Information and Exchange Forum, organised on Thursday, November 16, 2023, at the hemicycle by members of the Parliamentary Network against Corruption at the National Assembly.
Heads of Institutions involved in the fight against corruption in the country including the Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Laurent ESSO, attended the Session that was chaired by Senior Deputy Speaker of the Cameroon’s House of Assembly, Hon. Hilarion ETONG.
The Chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, CONAC, Rev. Dr. Dieudonné MASSI GAMS, presented the advantages of a Law against corruption in Cameroon, indicating it will provide for more concrete actions in the fight against the cankerworm, notably the confiscation of illegally acquired wealth, the declaration of assets and the protection of whistle blowers. He also stated the Law will give more powers and resources for Anti-graft Institutions to fully accomplish their missions.
The President of the Parliamentary Network Against Corruption, Hon. Engelbert BENGONO, noted that the parliament is committed to the fight against corruption in the country and assured that the Network will trigger parliamentary action for the enactment of an Anti-Corruption Law in Cameroon.