CONAC Boss Implores Women to be Role Models

The main point on Women’s Day celebrations at CONAC was a talk on the theme: “Gender equality and women’s empowerment, meeting the challenges and overcoming the obstacles”.
The celebration of the 33rd edition of the International Women’s Day at CONAC on March 08, 2018, was memorable for the female staff. They bridged all hierarchical and gender barriers to commune in oneness with their male colleagues. Clad in their 2018 Women’s Day fabric offered by the Institution, the ladies had a swell time, as they feasted in celebration of womanhood and her accomplishment over the centuries.
In an exposé based on the theme of the year “Gender equality and women’s empowerment, meeting the challenges and overcoming the obstacles”, the Head of the Investigations Division, Mrs NGO BIKOÏ Laurentine Epse OBIORA NGWU, applauded CONAC’s top management for confiding two of its three Division Head positions to women.
Citing article 442 of the Cameroon Penal Code, the Head of Division said discrimination as the act of refusing access to another in an open or public place, be it for reasons of race, religion, sex, or medical status, whereas the said status doesn’t put anyone in danger. Madam OBIORA NGWU cautioned against any discriminatory act, referencing the Bible where God commissioned humankind without discrimination in Genesis Chapters 1 and 2, while respecting the specificity of each.
Another high moment of the occasion was the arrival of the Chairman of CONAC, Rev. Dr. Dieudonné MASSI GAMS, who literally gave all the ladies a handshake. In a word of encouragement, the Chairman implored the women whom he described as the mother of humanity, to reach out to the world always as role models, a posture exemplified by Mary the mother of Christ.
The feasting culminated with the consumption of some culinary delights offered the staff by CONAC’s management and a dancing spree that kept the men and women on their toes, to the amusement of all and sundry.