MINPROFF and CONAC join forces to fight corruption
On the 4th of March, 2024, the two Institutions committed, in a partnership agreement, to work together in fighting corruption.
This Partnership Agreement, signed by Professor ABENA ONDOA née OBAMA Marie Thérèse, Minister of Women’s Empowerment and the Family, and Rev Doctor Dieudonné MASSI GAMS, Chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, commits both Institutions in working together to improve the contributions of women and the family in the anti-corruption drive in Cameroon. This involves training, mobilizing and promoting Women’s and Family Associations to integrate an “anti-corruption component” in their activities.
By virtue of this Agreement, Women and Family Support Associations and Networks will henceforth benefit from capacity-building, technical support and awareness-raising materials to enable them to effectively drive the commitment of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA, to eradicate corruption in Cameroon.