The 24th edition of FENASSCO, league A. Promoting the fight against corruption at the National Finals

At the National Finals held in Mokundange-Limbe, from the 2nd to the 9th of April 2024, CONAC organised an awareness-raising campaign on integrity and the fight against corruption. The CONAC team distributed awareness-raising flyers, messages on how to report corrupt practices, and copies of CONAC Newsletter to all stakeholders of the games, to inform them on the daily activities of the institution.
The campaign targeted a large section of Cameroon’s population, representing the country’s ten regions, with some 2,000 athletes, as well as about one hundred officials and administrative supervisors.
The CONAC team visited all the venues for the games: Limbe Omnisports Stadium, Middle Farm Stadium, Centenary Stadium, Limbe Community Field, Lycée Classique and Bilingual High School.
CONAC also organised a contest on integrity and the fight against corruption for 20 athletes, two from each region. Contestants were required to write a poem in one hour on the importance of the anti-corruption drive. A Gold Medal was awarded to CHEFOR Patience MENGWE from the South West Region, a Silver Medal to BAMENJOH Kelsie from the North West Region and a Bronze Medal to NNANGA MBARGA Odile Jordanie from the Adamawa Region, as first, second and third prizes at the end of the contest.