
CONAC Newsletter 046
West Region on Track
Even though their performance remains below average, officials of the West Region smile over a leap as they auto evaluate their performance in the execution of the 2018 Anti-corruption plan of action.

CONAC Newsletter 045
CONAC Tracks and Unmasks Looters
Some localities in the South, East and Littoral Regions of Cameroon recently fell under the telescope of the National Anti-Corruption Commission CONAC as the Institution embarked on a vast campaign dubbed “Forest Exploitation without Corruption”. The campaign that ran from the 24th of August to the 3rd of September, 2020, was prompted by a series of denunciations to CONAC, on the illegal exploitation of forest resources. CONAC’S action went a long way to unravel the mafia and unmask those looting Cameroon’s forests.

CONAC Newsletter 044
Africa Anti- Corruption Day: CONAC Face To Face With The Press On
The National Anti Corruption Commission of Cameroon, CONAC, marked the 4th African Anti-Corruption Day with a Press Conference organized at the Institution’s Head Office in Yaounde on the 10th of July, 2020; a day to the D-day. The event, attended by the Vice-Chairman of CONAC, brought together over forty media persons from both the public and private press.

CONAC Newsletter 043
African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption
The President of the Republic, H.E. Paul BIYA, on June 29, 2020, approved in its entirety all the provisions

CONAC Newsletter 042
Fighting Corruption amidst the Covid-19 Challenge
Since the outbreak of the corona virus pandemic in Cameroon, the National Anti-Corruption Commission has put in place measures to combat the deadly virus, while staying focused on its mission; that of fighting against corruption.

CONAC Newsletter 041
African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption
The Convention comprises a preamble and 28 articles. Following are some excerpts of the text that was done at Maputo on 11 July 2003, went into force since 05th August 2006 and finally ratified by Cameroon: 01 April, 2020

CONAC Newsletter 040
“CONAC and the Commonwealth share common values”
In his keynote address at commemorative activities marking the 2020 edition of the Commonwealth Day in Cameroon, the Minister Delegate at the Ministry of External Relations in Charge of Cooperation with the Commonwealth, H.E. Felix MBAYU, underscored that both CONAC and the Commonwealth share common values in the promotion of good governance, development and equal distribution of wealth.

CONAC Newsletter 039
“We should ask for accountability from those we elect”
His Lordship Sosthéne Leopold BAYEMI, Bishop of the Obala Diocese.

CONAC Newsletter 038
CONAC Staff Determined to Boost Fight Against Corruption
Employees of the Permanent Secretariat of the National Anti-Corruption Commission of Cameroon have made a resolve to forge on with the fight against corruption in Cameroon. The commitment was made as they presented 2020 New Year’s wishes to the Chairman of the Commission on January 30, 2020.

CONAC Newsletter 037
Cameroon’s 2018 Anti-Corruption Status Report: insightful and revealing
The document, published in both French and English was presented on December 19, 2019, at a highly attended ceremony at the Yaounde Conference Centre.