CONAC National Assembly

“Our efforts are focused on building an anti-corruption mentality”
Excerpts of the statement on the achievements in the fight against corruption in Cameroon and expectations by the Chairman of CONAC, Rev. Dr Dieudonné MASSI GAMS, to Members of Parliament.
“…We are delighted to interact with you, for the first time in the history of this noble House, on a crucial issue concerning our country, that is, the fight against corruption. First of all, we would like to thank the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Right Honourable CAVAYE YEGUIE DJIBRIL, for granting our request to present to the National Assembly the achievements in the fight against corruption in Cameroon and the expectations of CONAC. We also thank all of you present here for the interest you have shown in the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the fight against corruption.
…Today, one sustainable achievement in the fight against corruption in Cameroon is the change in attitudes, given that all efforts are focused on building an anti-corruption mentality. The ongoing anti-corruption drive in Cameroon is real, dynamic and inclusive. An increasing number of Cameroonians are saying NO to corruption. This is evident from the growing number of complaints received over the years: from 482 in 2010 to 23 048 in 2018, indicating a growing number of positive actors committed to rejecting corruption.
This observed change in mentality stems from the public awareness campaigns conducted by CONAC through anti-corruption caravans, Road shows, anti-corruption notices affixed on front walls of public and semi-public administrative buildings, Integrity Clubs in Institutions of Higher Education as well as in some high schools and colleges, and the public utility number to make the Institution more accessible to all citizens for purposes of denunciations.
…We are convinced that to reinforce CONAC’s authority and independence and enable it to effectively perform its duties, Cameroon should adopt an anti-corruption law that will incorporate the following elements:
- a mechanism for the protection of whistle-blowers;
- decentralization of the Institution to take it closer to the local populations who are the main beneficiaries of the fight against corruption;
- application of Article 66 of the 1996 Constitution through a law that defines offences and sanctions in case of illicit enrichment, thereby endorsing the ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption, which the Head of State is committed to implementing;
- granting CONAC a secure seat;
- granting CONAC senior staff the status of Specialized Judicial Police Officers.
Given that the fight against corruption concerns every citizen of our Nation, and that it is a continuous struggle as the Head of State stated, we thought it important to draw your attention to the successes, achievements, difficulties and prospects of the anti-corruption drive in our country, especially as you represent the vast majority of the Cameroonian people”.