ENAM Students Enjoined to Adopt Integrity as a Key Value

This was during a one-day symposium organized on July 30, 2021, in Yaounde on best practices and mechanisms of transparency and accountability.
Some 80 students of the National School of Public Administration, ENAM, drawn from the magistracy, court registry, administrative and financial sections, have been drilled on best practices and mechanisms of transparency and accountability. This was during a symposium organised on July 30, 2021, at ENAM, by a 2014 Mandela Washington Fellow, Mr. Gerard AFADANI.
The event was opened by the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in Charge of Supreme State Audit (CONSUPE), Justice Mbah Acha Rose, in the presence of the Director of ENAM, Bertrand Pierre Soumbou Angoula and representatives of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, the Audit Bench of the Supreme Court and Transparency International Cameroon.
During the panel discussion on the theme “Anti-Corruption Best Practices and Mechanisms for Transparency and Accountability, the panelists drawn from the Audit Bench of the Supreme Court, CONSUPE, CONAC and Transparency International, were unanimous on the need for education on integrity to be mainstreamed at all levels of education in Cameroon. They also indicated that the implementation of Article 66 of the Constitution, which calls for the declaration of asset by senor public officials, should be top government priority in the fight against corruption. “This will make it difficult for the corruption to enjoy the fruits of their dishonest act”, they noted. The National Anti-Corruption Commission used the occasion to sensitize the students of ENAM on the need to adopt integrity as a way of life. Copies of five editions of the CONAC Newsletter, as well as the document titled “2010-2020, a decade in the fight against corruption in Cameroon: Achievements” were distributed to all the students and lecturers who took part in the symposium.