
CONAC Newsletter 056
5th African Anti-Corruption Day
Cameroonians Called upon to Actively fight against corruption.

CONAC Newsletter 055
East Region Champions Fight Against Corruption.
The evaluation exercise was organized in June and July, 2021, in nine of the ten Regions of the country. Focus was on activities carried out to curb corruption in the areas of prevention, education, condition, incentives and sanctions.

CONAC Newsletter 054
Anti-Corruption Training: Participants Grateful
Following are the reactions of some participants at the end of the anti-corruption training organized by CONAC on May 24 and 25, 2021.

CONAC Newsletter 053
“Our efforts are focused on building an anti-corruption mentality”
Excerpts of the statement on the achievements in the fight against corruption in Cameroon and expectations by the Chairman of CONAC, Rev. Dr Dieudonné MASSI GAMS, to Members of Parliament.

CONAC Newsletter 052
CONAC Trumpets Benefits of Belonging to the Commonwealth The Institution had a stand at the Commonwealth exhibition fair, had pictures of its activities with the Commonwealth published and also chaired the round table conference.

CONAC Newsletter 051
Buea: University Students Embrace Integrity
The Chairman of CONAC, Rev. Dr. Dieudonné MASSI GAMS, on February 16, 2021, installed members of the Integrity Clubs of the University of Buea and those of FOMIC Polytechnic University Institute of Buea.

CONAC Newsletter 050
Laudable initiative
by Rev. Dr. Dieudonné MASSI GAMS, Chairman of CONAC

CONAC Newsletter 049
CONAC Releases Cameroon’s 2019 Anti-Corruption Status Report
During the event that took place on December 178, 2020, Rev. Dr. Dieudonné MASSI GAMS thanked the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul Biya, for having completed the ratification process of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption by signing the related decree on April 1, 2020.

CONAC Newsletter 048
State Universities and Private Higher Institutions of Learning: Integrity Clubs Get Down to Work
Teams from the National Anti-Corruption Commission were on the field from November 02 to 06, 2020, to install members of the Clubs into their functions. The general objective of the activity is to revitalize Integrity Clubs with a view to more efficient integrity education; a guarantee of the training of young people dedicated to the fight against corruption.