
CONAC sensitises the electorate for the 2023 senatorial Elections on the need for them to bar the way to corruption and other unethical conducts as they go to the pool on March 12, 2023, to vote for Senators. This was within the framework of a nation-wide campaign dubbed ‘2023 Senatorial Elections without Corruption’’. The Campaign spanned from February 26 to March 5, 2023.

Synergy between CONAC and the Network of Parliamentarians Against Corruption. The Chairman of CONAC received on January 10, 2023, a delegation from the said Network. Focus on the meeting was to take stock on the difficulties encountered by CONAC and the support that the parliament can provide to CONAC. In this edition, CONAC raises awareness among young people of the values of ethics and integrity in Kribi. This was in prelude to the celebration of the National Youth Day, from February 7 to 9, 2023 in Kribi. An IMF delegation paid a working visit to CONAC on February 28, 2023, with the aim of diagnosing vulnerabilities in economic governance.

CONAC organized an Anti-Corruption Clinic in Douala to commemorate the 20th edition of the International Anti-Corruption Day from December 5 to 8, 2022. The activity brought the Institution closer to citizens to deal directly with corruption issues. Other subjects in this edition include, the presentation of new wishes to the Chairman of CONAC on January 24, 2023 and audience granted to the General Manager of the Cameroon Real Estate Company (SIC), on January 30, 2023, by the CONAC Chair, on anti-corruption measures undertaken at SIC.

The President of the Republic resolutely committed to continuing the fight against corruption. He reiterated this again during his traditional end-of-year speech to the nation. This edition also discusses the workshop organized in Ebolowa, from 23 to 25 November, for the heads of Anti-Corruption Units, the visit of the British High Commission on 5 December to the CONAC and the audience granted to a joint African Development Bank-United Nations System Mission by CONAC Officials on November 24, 2022.

CONAC publishes the situation of the fight against corruption in Cameroon in 2021. It is contained in the report on the state of the fight against corruption in 2021, drawn up for the high attention of the President of the Republic and published on November 10 2022 in Yaounde. This special edition highlights on audience reactions.

Elections Cameroon, ELECAM and CONAC reflect on ways to jointly fight against corruption and fraud during elections. The Board Chair of ELECAM, ENOW Abrahams EGBE, held talks with CONAC Chairman, Rev. Dr. Dieudonné MASSI GAMS on the subject matter on October 11, 2022 during an audience at the CONAC Head Office in Yaounde. From October 22 to 29, 2022, CONAC took part in the 2nd edition of the African Education Forum. An opportunity to raise public awareness on the fight against corruption. Also in this edition, we report on the training of members of the Anti-Corruption Units of the Public Contracts Regulatory Board, better known by its French acronym, ARMP on the role and attributions of an Anti-Corruption Unit.

CONAC revitalizes integrity clubs. From October 16 to 23, 2022, CONAC teams were on the ground to revamp and assess existing Integrity Clubs and create new ones where they do not exist. Also in this edition, the reactions of the heads of university institutions and students.

The campaign “Back to School 2022-2023 Without Corruption” was launched on August 23, 2023, in Bertoua. precisely in the conference hall of the East Regional Council. CONAC teams crisscrossed the Regions of the country to raise awareness on the need for school resumption without corruption. In this edition we also review the awareness of the populations of Belabo, in the Lom and Djérem Division of the East Region, on the anti-corruption activities carried out by CONAC and the message of the Chairman of CONAC, the Rev. Dr Dieudonné MASSI GAMS, on the occasion of the 11th Congress of Women of Eglise Presbyterienne du Cameroun, that held in Makak, in the Centre Region. The message focused on: “Corruption: its manifestations and misdeeds in the Church; what are the solutions today to eradicate it? «

Cameroonians called to stand against corruption. CONAC Chairman, Rev. Dr Dieudonné MASSI GAMS, made the call on the occasion of the 6th edition of the African Anti-Corruption Day. This edition of the CONAC Newsletter also focuses on the workshop on the appropriation of Commonwealth standards on the Fight Against Corruption, organized on July 14 and 15, 2022 in Ebolowa, for the attention of Presidents of Anti-Corruption Units.

CONAC plays an active role during the 15th edition of the FENASSCO B games, organized from June 20 to 24, 2022 in Yaoundé. The staff of the Institution took this opportunity to educate athletes and supervisors on the need for them to adopt of integrity as a way of life. A quiz was organized on this occasion. Supervisors and students gave their appreciation at the end of the FENASSCO B games. This edition also looks back on the working visit to CONAC on June 24, 2022 by Officials from the United States Department of Treasury. Also in this issue, the report of the swearing-in ceremony for the staff of the CONAC Mail and Archives Service, organized on June 23, 2022 at the Mfoundi High Court.